terça-feira, janeiro 22, 2008


A capa do jornal Público de ontem incluia o seguinte título "Na era digital a qualidade do som é cada vez pior".

Entretanto, no livro "The innovators solution: creating and sustaining successful growth" de "Clayton Christensen e Michael Raynor leio isto:

"Overshooting does not mean that customers will no longer pay for improvements. It just means that the type of improvement for which they will pay a premium price will change. Once their requirements for functionality and reliability have been met, customers begin to redefine what is not good enough. What become not good enough is that customers can't get exactly what they want exactly when they need it, as conveniently as possible. Customers become willing to pay premium prices for improved performance along this new trajectory of innovation in speed, convenience, and customization."

Overshooting significa que o produto tem um desempenho muito melhor que o exigido pelos clientes.

Os leitores de mp3 são um exemplo do que os autores escrevem. Os consumidores preferem a conveniência à clareza do som. E quando isso acontece, o negócio muda.

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