sexta-feira, maio 23, 2008

Effectiveness, leapfroging, learning, tails and dogs

Eis alguns trechos representativos:

“because productivity is a ratio of outputs to inputs, R-A theory highlights the fact that increases in productivity can result from increases in either efficiency or effectiveness, that is, from (a) more efficiently creating value or (b) efficiently creating more value.” Eu sei que isto é bê-á-bá, mas há tanta gente que se esquece da eficácia e só pensa na eficiência…
“When firms occupy the positions of competitive disadvantage … they learn that they must use existing resources more efficiently or more effectively, or that they must seek other resources. Thus, they will be motivated to neutralize and/or leapfrog advantaged competitors by better managing existing resources and/or acquisition, imitation, substitution, or major innovation. Should these efforts at innovation succeed, then all firms serving a market segment become more efficient and/or effective. Should these efforts fail, firms seek market segments for which their resource assortments might provide a comparative advantage -- thus redeploying these resources will promote efficiency/effectiveness in other segments. Should these efforts also fail and financial performance fall below minimum acceptable standards, firms or parts of firms are dissolved or sold and their salvageable resources redeployed by other firms. This redeployment, again, promotes efficiency/effectiveness elsewhere.” Isto é poesia… uma outra forma de descrever as subidas e descidas na fitness-business landscape. O que todos temos de perceber é que ao aderir ao euro nos tornamos todos alemães e que a nossa moeda é o marco. a única forma de dar a volta neste mundo económico actual é agir como as empresas alemãs... that means leapfroging... tema a desenvolver em Relações 5/5.

Este trecho é divinal:
“the expectation of superior financial performance is rational because empirical works reveal large within-industry variance in financial performance.
Indeed, studies show that ‘firm effects’ account for 46 to 55% of the variance in business-unit ROI and ‘industry effects’ account for only 8 to 10%. For understanding competition, focusing on industries is to scrutinize the ‘tail’; focusing on firms is to examine the ‘dog.’
Therefore, the economic problem to be solved by firms is how to achieve, through time, superior financial performance (by whatever measure and compared with whatever referent). But superior performance can only be achieved by firms learning how they can occupy marketplace positions of competitive advantage. That is, superior performance through time results only from firms' learning how to create (and then sustain) an efficiency advantage, an effectiveness advantage, or an efficiency-effectiveness
The preceding explicates how the solving of individual and firm problems fuses, in the aggregate, with the solving of society's problem. That is, it is through the process of firms attempting to solve their individual knowledge problems (that is, learning how to achieve superior performance through being more efficient and/or effective) that firms will, in the aggregate, solve society's knowledge problem (that is, learning how to use and create knowledge so as to be more efficient and more effective, and thereby more productive.)” Não é nenhum papa-estado que vai dar a resposta que não existe, porque a economia como realidade estatística não existe, é um fantasma, só existem as empresas individuais que juntas constituem a média, mas a média não existe.

Um trecho que cheira, que transpira a proposta de valor: “Because consumers' tastes and preferences differ greatly within generic product categories and because their tastes and preferences change significantly through time, there are very few industry markets -- there are only partial homogeneties, fragments, or segments of demand within industries. Therefore, for most industries there exists no industry demand curve and, hence, no industry market.” Viva a diferenciação, viva a competição, viva a evolução. Um dia perceberemos que o nosso ponto de viragem aconteceu quando abandonámos a pretensão de competir nos mercados pelo preço mais baixo e avançámos para competir em nichos.

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