quarta-feira, setembro 23, 2009

Golias estava invicto até ter encontrado o pequeno David

Encontrei há semanas uma boa referência ao livro “Up Against the Wal-Marts” de Don Taylor e Jeanne Archer, pesquisei-o no Google Books, li algumas págnas que me interessaram e encomendei um exemplar usado na Amazon. Desde essa altura que um dos trechos que li não me tem saído da cabeça.
“In spite of Wal-Mart, Kmart, Home Depot, and an ever growing host of significant others, you can still build a profitable retail or service business.
Just like David in the Bible, you can stand up against your Goliath. All you need is courage, a few simple weapons, and about 500 small stones.”
Depois, vem a parte que se tem entranhado na minha mente:
“Don’t become discouraged as you read about the success that this new breed of retailers is having. Remember that Goliath had never been defeated before he came up against little David.”

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