domingo, julho 17, 2011

Os mercados como configurações (parte I)

"Markets as configurations" de Kaj Storbacka e Suvi Nenonen, publicado pelo European Journal of Marketing Vol. 45 No. 172, 2011, pp. 221-258.
É como voltar a um local onde se viveu na infância... ler um artigo que racionaliza, descreve, ilustra o que fizemos sem teoria de suporte, fizemos porque tinha de ser feito, fizemos porque não havia outra alternativa.
Do abstract:
"Markets can be viewed as configurations of market actors engaging in market practices. (Moi ici: Os mercados não se regem por leis imortais, imutáveis, talhadas na pedra. Os mercados não existem, emergem, vão emergindo da relação entre os intervenientes. Mentes conservadoras podem crer que os mercados são como os reagentes de uma reacção química e que o tempo não os influencia, por mais vezes que se repita a experiência. Tolos!!! Os mercados são seres vivos que aprendem e desaprendem não podendo ser encarcerados numa lógica newtoniana) Market configurations are perpetually dynamic as new actors enter the context, and as actors introduce ideas and business model elements to the network. As a result the configuration’s marketness evolves towards higher levels of configurational fit, resulting in increased value co-creation opportunities. An actor wanting to influence the market configuration can do so by working on its mental models and business models. (Moi ici: Claro que há uma via mais fácil, mais rápida e ... errada, como o demonstra a situação da libra e da economia inglesa: "Imprimam bentos!" Só que mudar modelos mentais e modelos de negócio não é fácil. É preciso ter coragem, coragem para abandonar a protecção da manada e a relação pedo-mafiosa com o Estado.)  The power of the actor’s mental and business models is mediated by the actor’s network position, its clout, and the fact that a change in any element evokes reactions from other actors. Actors need to develop new sets of market capabilities, such as value sensing, the ability to measure markets, price formation and pricing logics, and market scripting"
"it is the customer who creates value and the goal of a provider is not so much to make or do something of value for the customer as it is to mobilize customers to create value for themselves ... a suggest that firms should be viewed as extensions of customer processes: “firms participate in customer practices, customers are not extensions of firm’s production processes”."  (Moi ici: Se isto não é uma mudança de paradigma para os economistas empedernidos... naufragados na concepção marxiana de que valor é trabalho incorporado...)
"markets cannot be seen as given structures where actors simply compete for positions. Market actors will make subjective market definitions by identifying the relevant network(s) to participate in – both in terms of exploiting existing opportunities and exploring new ones. In a similar vein, Read et al. (2009) argues that in the traditional rational “text book” view opportunities are precursors of strategy: i.e. the firm adapts to the opportunities present in the environment. In an effectual view, opportunities are outcomes of deliberate efforts of the effectuators (market actors) to co-create their environment by attaining commitments from a network of partner, investor, and customer stakeholders (Sarasvathy, 2008). (Moi ici: Isto é bonito e profundo... e possível, co-criar um ambiente, terraformar um ecossistema, desenhar uma nova cadeia da procura, fugir da pedo-máfia e da impressão de bentos. Been there already, done that and proud of it!!!)
Effectual market actors will need new sets of capabilities and management practices to be able to co-create their market. We suggest that a way for market actors to deal with the subjectivity of markets is to conceptualize them as configurations, a construct similar to “business ecosystems”. Ecosystems are assumed to self-organize into a stable symmetry, or stasis. As an actor disrupts this symmetry (Moi ici: Como escreve Sarasvathy: "What matters is that entrepreneurs create variations. These variations are then subject to selection processes that determine what survives and what does not.") by introducing new ideas or new resources into the system, the system seeks to recover by aiming at a new stasis. Similarly, configurations are constellations of design elements that commonly occur together because their interdependence makes them fall into patterns."
"“firms are not simply passive victims of their environment but strive to alter competitive market conditions in their favour”.
Designing conscious activities by a market actor to alter the current market in its favour elevates a central research avenue: how can a market actor influence the market configuration.  (Moi ici: Por isto é que o equilíbrio em economia é uma treta. Sempre que um empreendedor puder introduzir variações...)
A market actor wanting to influence a market configuration can be labelled a “focal actor”, ... market networks can be described by starting from a focal actor and analyzing this actor’s relationships. A focal actor wanting to influence the market practices in a market configuration can do this by working on its mental  models and business models.  (Moi ici: Eu repito "by working on its mental model and business models". Não é através da impressão de bentos, ou de PINs, ou de corredores, carpetes e biombos do poder)
The mental models relate to how the focal actor views the relevant market, and they gain visible form as they are translated into different value-creating practices in the business model. The market practices are the results of the interaction between individual market actors’ business model elements. Market configurations are perpetually dynamic and developing as new actors enter the context, and as different market actors introduce new ideas and new business model elements in the network. This leads to a perpetual oscillation effect between the elements in the configuration: between the actor and the market practices. The power of the actor’s mental models and business models to influence a market configuration is mediated by the focal actor’s position in the network, its clout, and the fact that a change in any configurational element is likely to evoke a reaction from all actors wanting to shape the market in their favour."
E como é que a sua empresa faz isto?


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