quinta-feira, setembro 29, 2011

As experiências estão em todo o lado

"An experience can consist of a product, for example a theatre play. An experience can also be a supplement to the product, such as a dinner at a certain restaurant, or the experience can be the whole package, making the experience not just a product, but a mental process, a state of mind, for instance an evening out combining dining and seeing a play. The main point here is that experiences are always more than just the product. The core of the product might be an experience, like a theatre play, but it is always more than this: it includes where it takes place, the décor, whether the seats are good or not and so forth. One can also gain an experience via technology, such as the web net or watching television. The experience can also be a supplement to a good or a service. It is not the product, but the supplements of it which provide the consumer with the experience. It is not the shoes, but the fact that these shoes are fashionable and show who you are, which is the experience. This is an experience you cannot get from just any pair of shoes. It is the design, the marketing, the usage and symbolic value of the shoes that makes them an experience. The shoes acquire a story or a theme and it is the story or the theme, rather than the product, which the consumers buy and cherish in the experience economy.
Agrarian, industrial and service products are still being produced, but the consumers are moving towards the experience economy. Experiences have a high value for consumers and the demand for experiences is increasing. Consumers are therefore willing to pay a high price for experiences and experience production becomes very profitable.
However, competition also increases, which calls for innovation of new experience products to make experience firms stay competitive.
At present we stand on the brink of the experience economy, and companies and organizations that realize this will gain a competitive advantage, as the development of the experience economy is there, and those who embrace it will benefit, compared to those that avoid or ignore it.
In the earlier stages of the economic development, the production of products was more or less related to needs. The consumers wanted commodities, goods and services to satisfy their needs for survival, later for materialism, knowledge and solving problems (which the service sector provided). Now they want to have an interesting life, experience new aspects of life or new places, be entertained and learn in an enjoyable way.
Customers are now looking for more than the mere product or service.
Experiences fulfil this need."
Lembram-se do modelo de negócio para birdwatchers endinheirados interessados em aves de rapina no Douro Internacional?
É a experiência do mergulho integral...
Imaginem agora, neste mês de Setembro-Outubro, na ponta de Sagres uma variante do modelo de negócio para birdwatchers endinheirados, não para ver aves de rapina mas para, num único sítio, ver dezenas de espécies que vivem a época de Primavera-Verão na Europa do Norte e migram para o Norte de África no princípio do Outono.
Consigo imaginar as redes sociais, um blog, um sítio na net, tudo interligado a criar buzz...
o que vamos ver... (com meses de antecedência para despertar o interesse)
o que estamos a ver ... (balanço do dia, ou no momento, estilo foursquare)
o que vimos (relato, balanço da temporada)
troca de "cromos entre participantes e organizadores
Nesta altura do ano no Cabedelo, na foz do Douro do lado de Gaia, cheguei a ver um colhereiro (Platalea leucorodia)

 e um ostraceiro (Haematopus ostralegus)

 perdidos a retemperar forças.

Trechos retirados de "Creating Experiences in the Experience Economy" editado por Jon Sunbo e Per Darmer.

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