segunda-feira, janeiro 09, 2012

Dedicado aos que seguem a Religião do Grande Geómetra

Relativamente aos que acreditam no Grande Geómetra, na Grande Estratégia que um Governo Todo-Poderoso e Sabedor de Tudo deve desenhar e proclamar, para que nós, ignorantes, possamos seguir ordeiramente tão sábias instruções:
"'History generally, and the history of revolution in particular, is always richer in content, more varied, more many-sided, more lively and subtle than even' the best historian and the best methodologist can imagine. History is full of 'accidents and conjunctures and curious juxtapositions of events' and it demonstrates to us the 'complexity of human change and the unpredictable character of the ultimate consequences of any given act or decision of men'. Are we really to believe that the naive and simple-minded rules which methodologists take as their guide are capable of accounting for such a 'maze of interactions'? And is it not clear that successful participation in a process of this kind is possible only for a ruthless opportunist who is not tied to any particular philosophy and who adopts whatever procedure seems to fit the occasion?"
Que mil girassóis floresçam!
Trecho retirado de "Against Method" de Paul Feyrabend.

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