segunda-feira, julho 08, 2013

Quem são os clientes-alvo da McDonald's?

Um artigo "Why the McWrap Is So Important to McDonald's" que permite equacionar os problemas do futuro da McDonald's:
"Richard Adams used to own several McDonald’s in San Diego and is now a consultant to franchisees. He’s also one of the most candid insiders. “It’s supposed to be an assembly-line business. They are giving people too much variety and selection,” he says. “Customers are already frustrated by how long they have to wait. Sales growth will stagnate because of the complexity.” He points out that some of the competition, such as Five Guys and Chipotle, keep their menus simple. McDonald’s has about 145 items on its menu, six of them different kinds of McWraps. As for the notion that McDonald’s should encourage some kind of foodie culture, Adams sighs. He’s heard it before. “McDonald’s management, once they get to a certain level—I think it’s when they get a limo—they no longer want to be hamburger guys. They want to be restaurateurs.”
Apetece perguntar: Qual é o negócio da McDonald's? Quem são os clientes-alvo da McDonald's? O que procuram e valorizam?
Quanto mais itens, mais custos, menos rápido é o "fast-food".
E depois este pormenor:
"Even if McWrap sales ultimately disappoint, the McWrap serves another stealth purpose. (Moi ici: Faz-me lembrar aquela frase irónica sobre os nossos políticos: "Há investimentos para ganhar dinheiro e há os investimentos "estratégicos"") Hennessy, the marketing professor, notes that customers may come into restaurants with healthy intentions but fall short of their aspirations. Many people encouraged McDonald’s to sell salads, yet in the past decade they have accounted for no more than 3 percent of sales. With salads and now the McWrap on the menu, customers may forgive themselves a little more for showing up at McDonald’s. And if they skip the wrap at the final moment and get a Big Mac and fries instead, she says, “They don’t blame the restaurant.”" (Moi ici: Quem são os clientes-alvo da McDonald's? Os que têm vergonha de ir a um McDonald's?)
Mais tarde ou mais cedo as consequências vão-se repercutir nas contas da McDonald's.

2 comentários:

Peliteiro disse...

Uma vez li a política da qualidade da Mc transformada em pub, na Visão ou parecido, tendo retido três eixos principais:
1- Queremos ser o restaurante preferido das crianças;
2- As nossas matérias-primas são boas (nada de carne de minhoca ou, mais recentemente, de cavalo);
3- A nossa comida pode ser nutricionalmente equilibrada.

A primeira parece-me garantida; a segunda, agora, é cada vez mais uma certeza; a terceira é mais difícil, dificilmente conciliável com o cliente tradicional, mas é cada vez mais uma necessidade, que exige tempo, trabalho, muitos desafios, coordenados, a conquistar.

CCz disse...

"We already sell a lot of burgers just the way we make them. If you do too many things, it slows you down and probably the quality isn't as good. Hats off to people who can have 50 different options and do each one perfectly and super fast. But we find we already make a burger most people like and we can do it pretty inexpensively and very quickly and that's been our system for a long, long time and it still works."