quinta-feira, outubro 03, 2013

Século XX versus século XXI

Um texto tão ao gosto deste blogue:
"A series of breakthrough technologies and new business models are destroying the old rule that bigger is better.  ...  The global business environment is decomposing into smaller yet more profitable markets, (Moi ici: A caminho do Estranhistão) so businesses can no longer rely on scaling up to compete, but must instead embrace a new economies of unscale.
These new economies of unscale will be good for job growth, because they open up thousands of new market niches for exploitation.
 in a world with economies of unscale, we are empowered to take advantage of an extensive array of new, amazing services to build sustainable companies.  The coming world is a world of fragmented niches, many with immense profit potential, as we start to discover products that better meet the needs of this varied world."
Tudo o que pregamos aqui há vários anos!!!
Já ouviram algum membro da tríade falar sobre isto?
Não, continuam embalados na testosterona, por exemplo:
"diz que com esta fusão há a ambição de estar ... também "entre os maiores"."
Ou, por exemplo "Mas claro, eu só sou um anónimo engenheiro da província"

Trechos retirados de "Economies of Unscale: Why Business Has Never Been Easier for the Little Guy"

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