sábado, fevereiro 08, 2014

Acerca do ecossistema da procura

Recordei esta história "Arquitecto de paisagens competitivas (parte II)" depois de ler:
"The transition from linear value chain thinking towards collaborative value network thinking renders firm boundaries increasingly permeable, fuzzy and fleeting. All market actors can be viewed as open systems, ‘effectively depending on the resources of others to survive’. This interdependence creates a need for specific exchange and interaction processes  aimed at integrating an actor’s own resources with the resources of other actors,
The idea of value co-creation in a network includes the idea of reciprocity, that is not only should one be freed from a dyadic perspective, (Moi ici: Deixar de pensar só nos clientes, naqueles que pagam as facturas e alargar o alcance do radar e, perceber que outros, na sua busca e sem ser preciso corrompê-los, podem influenciar os cientes) but also from the provider–customer notion. We take an actor-to-actor perspective and mainly use the term ‘actor’ as a generic construct of all resource integrators, and focal actor’ for the actor that is designing a business model for value co-creation. (Moi ici: Estes são os meus clientes-alvo ideais, actores (empresas) que já perceberam que não chega a relação "1 para 1" e é preciso trabalhar ao nível sistémico, ao nível de um modelo de negócio)
The relevant actors to include in the analysis vary based on the specific co-creation type the focal actor is aiming for. ... identify a spectrum of co-creation, involving co-conception, co-design, co-production, co-promotion, co-pricing, co-distribution, co-consumption, co-maintenance, co-disposal and co-outsourcing. All of these forms of value co-creation will require different resource configurations amongst various actors.
The evolution from value created and distributed by the manufacturing firm to value co-created in a network poses focal managerial challenges: How can the focal firm engage customers and other actors in purposeful co-creation?"
Há dias, no Twitter, discutia-se: de que vale um produto excepcional sem o acesso à prateleira, sem a capacidade de comunicar com os utilizadores:
"the evolution of customers from ‘passive audiences’ to ‘active players’. Firms do not exist in order to distribute value along a value chain, but rather to support customers in their value-creating processes. Thus, customers are not to be viewed as extensions of firms’ production processes. Rather, firms need to be viewed as extensions of customers’ value-creating processes."
Trechos retirados de "Designing Business Models for Value Co-Creation" de Kaj Storbacka, Pennie Frow, Suvi Nenonen and Adrian Payne.

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