sexta-feira, julho 25, 2014

Leu aqui há vários anos...

Leu aqui há vários anos... e só agora está a chegar ao mainstream.
As implicações assimétricas de Mongo, do Estranhistão, para as empresas grandes e para as PMEs e artesãos, em "Is This the Death of the Mass Brand?":
"Brands were created to convey information about products at a time when it was hard for consumers to get information. But our hyper-networked and data-engorged era is killing the very reason for mass-market branding. This leaves big brands vulnerable to hordes of quirky little unbrands. Today’s technology gives the advantage to companies that have deep relationships with consumers, and there are two key ways to get those relationships.
to be small and intimate enough to connect with customers on a personal level, like craft brands on Etsy or apartment owners who rent their places through Airbnb. Coke, McDonald’s, Ford and the like can’t easily go in either direction. They’re kind of screwed.
In fact, in this age of consumer information and relationships, a big brand can be a negative. A brand conveys consistency and safety; it says a can of Coke will taste the same whether in Syracuse or Strasbourg.
As we get better information about small-scale competing products, people feel safe seeking out the unique, the undiscovered, the unbrands. [Moi ici: We are all weird!!!] Hilton becomes vulnerable to Airbnb’s one-of-a-kind dwellings. Tiffany becomes vulnerable to jewellery makers on Etsy.
The result is a developing societal shift, as authors Itamar Simonson and Emanuel Rosen describe in their book, Absolute Value: What Really Influences Customers in the Age of (Nearly) Perfect Information. We used to want the brands everybody else had. We’re moving toward mass individualism, wanting stuff nobody else has."
BTW, Itamar Simondson e Emanuel Rosen não me convencem, não creio que o problema seja das marcas por serem marcas, o problema está no que o marcador "hollowing" conta, marcas que para chegarem ao maior número possível de pessoas se tornaram tão ocas, tão vazias, tão medianas que já só vivem da fama de outros tempos.

BTW2, há dias no Twitter favoritei a mensagem de Saul Kaplan:
"Turns out the mass market was an industrial era illusion."

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