quarta-feira, setembro 03, 2014

"On Experiences as Economic Offerings" (parte I)

Muito haverá a escrever sobre esta tese "On Experiences as Economic Offerings" de Susanne H. G. Poulsson. Contudo, começo hoje por um pormenor que é um clássico deste blogue, a batota!!!
"every product has a connected consumption event – meaning that the consumer will experience or feel something when they use/consume the product. This consumption event, and the experience had during it, may be hardly noticeable, (as when using a printer) or highly noticeable and significant for the product’s overall value, (as in the case of the thrills had during a bungee jump). In experience offerings the consumption event is of utter importance because experiential offerings’ value rests with the richness and intensity of the consumption event.
Csikszentmihalyi’s take on flow is that: “While such events may happen spontaneously, it is much more likely that flow will result from a structured activity”. Furthermore, he states that: “Activities that provide enjoyment are often those that have been designed for this very purpose. Games, sports, and artistic and literary forms were developed over the centuries for the specific purpose of enriching life with enjoyable experiences.“
The creation of experiential value in a commercial setting is not about a random meeting in the woods. It’s a transaction where the provider needs to be prepared to provide the right elements so that the consumer can step inside, react and act. The more thoroughly and thoughtfully designed and prepared the experience offering is, the more the consumer will be made to feel that events unfold effortlessly.
Within these settings, what strings can the experience provider pull? What are the elements consumers appear to find essential for gaining value and meaning out of an experience offering? What stimulates and tickles these consumers’ brains as well as their bodies? What are the “pleasure buttons”? What can the provider do to stage and design an offering that has a high probability of triggering experiential value in the consumer? What are the vital dimensions that matter and are the most fundamental when we look across and beyond each particular context to identify the triggers that are involved in co-creating experiential value?"
E acha que isto não se aplica aos produtos que a sua empresa produz? Em "Value creation processes and value outcomes in marketing theory: Strangers or siblings?", referido aqui, pode ler-se:
"adding hedonic aspects to utilitarian base products was more effective than adding utilitarian aspects to hedonically oriented products and suggested that the hedonic image of a product may be diluted because of utilitarian additions."

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