sexta-feira, outubro 31, 2014

"If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will."

Esta manhã, numa empresa, discutia-se a cadeia de valor no cluster do calçado e, como é que o sector dos fornecedores dessa empresa poderia subir na escala de valor, para acompanhar o ritmo do calçado.
- Está a imaginá-los a dar esse salto?
A minha resposta foi algo do género:
- Não precisamos de mudar esse sector, basta-nos trabalhar com o vosso fornecedor em particular, basta-nos trabalhar com ele.
Os outros virão atrás quando começarem a ver as consequências e os bons resultados.
De tarde, a caminho do fim-de-semana, resolvi fazer uma caminhada de 6km, por entre os ex-campos de milho, a ler mais umas porções de "Elevate" de Rich Horwath encontrei:
"One of the reasons strategic planning has become a mind-numbingly, ambiguous exercise is because it's not translated to the individual level. Managers work to feed a PowerPoint deck with information and data that they themselves won't use after the dog-and-pony show presentation is concluded. A sociology study on the donation behaviors of individuals sheds some light on why this might occur. The study showed that people are more willing to donate money to help a single starving African child than to help many starving children. Interestingly, the researcher also found that contributions dropped dramatically when the individual child's picture was accompanied by a statistical summary of the large number of needy children like her in other countries." Similarly, when we see a specific, individualized issue, we are more likely to respond to it. When we're faced with a general blob of information, we tend to tune it out. The lesson for leaders: Tailor the meaning of the strategy to your audience and how it relates specifically to them and what they're doing on a daily basis. As Mother Teresa said, "If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.""

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