sábado, dezembro 20, 2014

Novas oportunidades a borbulhar por todo o lado

Novos modelos de negócio em torno da alimentação, da saúde e das experiências, com a ajuda da internet como prateleira:
"The Internet has revolutionized countless industries, from finance to fashion. Now it’s starting to revolutionize the food industry. The biggest change has been the ability to order online.
They want it to be authentic, they want to know how it was produced, and they want it to be a shared experience,
The newest trend is cooking convenience delivered to your door. Blue Apron is one of the biggest players. You order a dish and Blue Apron delivers all the ingredients for a fresh meal with top-quality ingredients.
Saffron Fix delivers to your doorstep all the ingredients, spices, bread and rice to cook an Indian meal at home.
The exact model will evolve over time. And especially for the next few years, all these models will co-exist. But eventually much more food will be online.
As companies like Blue Apron and Saffron Fix vie for customers, restaurants, will have to rethink the true value they are adding for their customers."
Anonimamente, muito mal distribuído, como reza a citação, o futuro já anda por aí.
Trechos retirados de "What's The Future Of The Food Industry?"

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