quarta-feira, janeiro 14, 2015

Acerca da execução de uma estratégia

"In a key study on organizational change, the global management-consulting firm Bain & Company reports these findings: “About 65 percent of initiatives required significant behavioral change on the part of front-line employees - something that managers often fail to consider or plan for in advance.”
Despite the significance of this problem, leaders seldom recognize it. You don’t hear leaders saying, “I wish I were better at driving strategies that require people to do things differently.” What you are more likely to hear is a leader saying, “I wish I didn’t have Tom, Paul, and Sue to deal with!”
It’s natural for a leader to assume the people are the problem. After all, they are the ones not doing what we need to have done. But you would be wrong. The people are not the problem!"
Por isso, o ponto de Spender... a importância da retórica, da persuasão, da capacidade de pôr as pessoas que vão executar a estratégia, a percebê-la, a apoderar-se dela, mais do que transmitir, embebe-la no sistema de pensamento de quem está no terreno. Mais tarde ou mais cedo essa pessoa vai enfrentar uma situação imprevista... como se age alinhado com a estratégia nesse caso?
Trechos retirados de "The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals" de Chris McChesney, Sean Covey e Jim Huling.