sexta-feira, março 20, 2015

Mongo e os marxistas

Em Portugal a esquerda marxista mais participativa nas redes sociais ainda está agarrada ao modelo do século XX, aos exércitos de operários, (normalmente traduzida num desprezo pelos empreendedores, startups e micro-empresas) e à versão moderna da maquinaria, a automatização.
Interessante este texto marxista sobre Mongo, "Peer-to-peer production and the coming of the commons":
"We are witnessing the emergence of a new ‘proto’ mode of production based on distributed, collaborative forms of organisation.
One way to describe the changes now taking place is as a shift away from a context in which the technological and economic advantage lies with economies of scale and mass production that depend on cheap global transportation and, thus, the continuous availability of fossil fuels. The move is to ‘economies of scope’, where bringing down the cost of common infrastructure for networked enterprises brings competitive advantages.[Moi ici: Claro que ainda se focam muito nos custos, ainda não chegaram à paixão e ás tribos]
This new emerging modality tends to out-cooperate and out-compete classic modes of capitalist production. This is because of its higher innovation potential (there is no privatisation of innovation); the ability for distributed parallel development on a global scale without the use of costly bureaucracies of control (as with Wikipedia, every module can be worked on separately, by any contributor with the necessary skills); and the much cheaper production costs due to price structures free of the rent of ‘intellectual property’ (IP). Where these new forms occur – in knowledge production, free software production and now emerging in physical production – they tend to displace proprietary and IP-based modes.
We regard this as the peer production equivalent of the invention of the assembly line by Henry Ford. It inserts the rapid production methodologies that have proven themselves in open source software production (such as ‘extreme programming’) into the world of machine design, and links it directly to microfactories and distributed enterprise."
Claro que hão-de descobrir que os grandes inimigos de Mongo são os incumbentes que tratam da oferta no mercado e os que vivem da impostagem que se extrai dos actuais laços de produção, emprego e consumo.

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