domingo, abril 12, 2015

Este não pode ser o caminho do futuro

Arrepia-me ler textos assim "Can US manufacturing compete with China?"
Vou dar um exemplo europeu com o calçado português:
O calçado europeu procura ocupar nichos de valor, em vez de chocar de frente com a produção chinesa.
O calçado português, goza de boa saúde, assim como muitos outros sectores, como o têxtil:
"Exports of leather goods continue to grow in Portugal. Since 2008 their value nearly tripled and now amounts to 143 million euros.
Good quality, good customer service and quick response are strong arguments in favour of the Portuguese companies."
Como comparam os custos salariais portugueses com os chineses?

Qual é a via americana? A via da falta de paciência estratégica (mais aqui):
"Manufacturers are bullish on the US these days, and for good reason. Unit labour costs are dropping even as productivity is increasing compared with many countries in Europe at the same time that US energy costs have gone down.
There is also good reason to believe that the US can be competitive even with China, the world’s manufacturing powerhouse for the few last decades. Which raises the question: Can the US, in fact, be the new rising star in manufacturing?
“We are hands down more competitive than Europeans both because of energy costs and because of lower labour costs,” [Moi ici: Apetece perguntar; Ri de quê? De sair vitorioso de uma race to the bottom?]
E continua com:
“We should, if projections of the direction of Chinese labour costs are right, be more competitive than China right about now—even if we, too, will have some wage inflation coming as slack in the economy decreases,”
 Este não pode ser o caminho do futuro, o caminho com futuro é o da race to the top, é o do valor mais do que o dos custos.

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