terça-feira, maio 19, 2015

"It Isn’t Illegal to Be Stupid" (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
Sintomas de que uma empresa está a passar um mau bocado.
"Declining Gross MarginA declining gross margin indicates that there is a pricing problem.
The only way that gross margin (as a percentage of sales) can go down is if a business cuts its prices or fails to raise its prices when its costs rise. That’s it. Even though that can occur three different ways, the bottom line is the same: The sales price is too low relative to the cost of goods sold.
Declining gross margin should inevitably send a signal to an organization that it is experiencing a pricing problem that will ultimately result in trouble. It clearly signals either an inability or an unwillingness to sell its products or services at a high enough price in comparison to the costs.
Wages, as a Percentage of Sales, Begin to IncreaseA second condition that normally prevails when any entity fails financially is that wages, as a percentage of sales, begin to increase. This normally occurs because the organization just has too many people on the payroll or too many people making too much money.[Moi ici: A margem baixa mas os salários não baixam, logo... ]
Sales Volume Increases
Surprisingly, most entities that go broke do it during a period of an increase in sales volume
. [Moi ici: Recordar o proverbial "Estávamos cheios de encomendas e a fazer horas-extras"] This statement shocks most people (especially those involved with sales) because most everyone mistakenly believes that a business fails as a result of a lack of sales volume. The facts are, however, that business is not a game of volume. Business is always a game of margin. If a business doesn’t maintain gross margin at an adequate level, it is going to go bust, regardless of its sales volume. Cheap seats, cheap products or services, and giveaway prices really do have a way of attracting more and more customers. Have you ever seen a yard sale go wanting for customers? We don’t think so. Lots and lots of items for sale and all at very low prices."

Trechos retirados de "How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitors Winning Every Sale at Full Price, Rate, or Fee" de Lawrence Steinmetz e William Brooks.

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