terça-feira, junho 09, 2015

Ter uma estratégia clara = escolhas claras = ideias claras = desejar sucesso à concorrência (parte V)

Parte I, parte IIparte III e parte IV.

Muito interessante esta linguagem colorida e o comprovar de que Mongo é uma realidade também no fitness
"Small, specialised, independent fitness studios – classed collectively as boutique studios – have the potential to take significant market share from the large, big-brand, ‘big box’ fitness centres and DIY gyms, as well as becoming the drivers of overall market growth, reveals a new industry report published today. The boutiques can command hourly fees the others only dream of, they build loyal communities, they are attractive to investors, they have proven business models and they cannot simply be replicated, absorbed or priced out by big brand muscle.
The rise of the boutique fitness studio is set to transform an otherwise mature and sluggish industry that is inward-looking, over-absorbed with mergers, acquisitions and defensive strategies and not paying enough attention to what today’s customers, [Moi ici: Profundo! Falta de atenção para com os clientes actuais, muita preocupação com a defesa do status-quo] especially those with slightly deeper wallets, are willing to pay for.”
Boutique studios generally specialise in just one activity, with indoor cycling and spinning common specialisms. Others include machine-based circuits, high intensity workouts and quality dance, pilates and yoga. Such activities are often to be found in ‘big box’ centres but the difference is that boutique studios stick just to their core offer and provide high quality, expert-led sessions that stretch their customers far more than self-led, DIY training but at a much lower price than one-to-one coaching. [Moi ici: Identificam os clientes-alvo, estudam a proposta de valor que vai ao seu encontro, não se concentram nos custos mas nas experiências, nos resultados, no JTBD]
They also seek to provide a holistic quality experience, from meet and greet to deluxe changing rooms, coupled with technological convenience (eg apps to book sessions and monitor progress). And each boutique brand adopts an attitude throughout its marketing and service provision that reflects the mores and aspirations of its ‘tribe’, engendering identification and community loyalty.
Boutiques charge much more than their larger counterparts per visit but do not have lock-in memberships: instead they live and die on a sustained quality of service that has people coming back for more."

Just as stack-em-high giant supermarkets are struggling against smaller, localised competitors, so the big brand chain fitness centres could soon find significant market share slipping away to the insurgent, upstart boutiques that understand their customers’ needs so well.” 

Trechos retirados de "Boutique fitness studios fire warning shots at big brand fitness chains"

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