domingo, julho 26, 2015

Recordando o tecto de vidro

No início do ano corri aqui uma série com o título "Tecto de vidro? Uma hipótese de explicação" e, neste postal "Pois, despedir clientes" sistematizei uma série de reflexões sobre a blasfémia de despedir clientes.
"Here are my 5 reasons why you need to fire some of your customers:
1. Customers you get because of a low price will always be  low price customers. Don’t forget that low price equals low profit.
2. Customers who demand a high level of service and aren’t willing to pay for it are sucking your profit.
3. Customers who demand too much of your time are preventing you from spending it on other activities that will create incremental sales and profit.
4. Customers who you can’t satisfy will tell others. Last thing you need is to have customers who simply don’t fit with your model then going off and telling other customers.
5. Bad customers are a disease that will suck the life out of you and everyone else in your company.
Never forget that sometimes the most profitable business you have is the business you don’t have.
When you invest your time with bad customers, you’ll find yourself attracting even more bad customers.  Sell to great customers and you’ll find yourself selling to even more great customers."

Trechos retirados de "5 Reasons You Will Increase Your Business By Firing Some Customers"

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