sábado, agosto 22, 2015

Outra sugestão para a farmácia do futuro

Mais um exemplo de Mongo:
"These days, 3D printing seems poised to take over the world. You can 3D print prosthetic limbs, guns, cars, even houses. This month, another 3D printed product has hit the market, this one with potentially much wider reach: 3D printed pills.
The first 3D printed pill, an anti-epilepsy drug called Spritam, was recently approved by the FDA.
Aprecia plans to develop more 3D-printed medications—“an additional product per year, at least,
Medication-printing technologies could revolutionize the pharmaceuticals industry, making drug research, development and production considerably cheaper.
In the future, it may even be possible to print pills at home.
Inventors would need to figure out how to supply the printers with their raw ingredients. Some researchers envision patients going to a doctor or pharmacist and being handed an algorithm rather than a prescription. They'd plug the algorithm into their printer and—boom—personalized medicine."[Moi ici: Acho mais credível que a farmácia do futuro volte a ser um laboratório, com a "impressão" dos medicamentos com base em algoritmos fornecidos pelos médicos (receitas)]
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BTW, isto ajuda a perspectivar:

Estão a ver o que é a imprevisibilidade a funcionar?

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