quarta-feira, fevereiro 10, 2016

Plataformas e sobre a sua gestão

"“A platform or complement strategy differs from a product strategy in that it requires an external ecosystem to generate complementary product or service innovations and build positive feedback between the complements and the platform.  The effect is much greater potential for innovation and growth than a single product-oriented firm can generate alone.”
The importance of platforms is closely linked to the concept of network effects - the more products or services it offers, the more users it will attract.  Scale increases the platform’s value, helping it attract more complementary offerings which in turn brings in more users, which then makes the platform even more valuable… and on and on and on.
This embrace of platforms by established firms raises a number of organizational and governance issues.  Managing a platform ecosystem raises a number of new governance issues, including “who has access to the platform, how to divide value, and how to resolve a conflict,” notes the CGE report.  “The goal is to arrange complementors and consumer rules to maximize ecosystem profits
All of this must be done recognizing that the platform leader is orchestrating free agents rather than directing employees in a hierarchical command- and-control structure.”
Approaches to platform governance must also consider the way value is created.  While traditional business models would incent managers to maximize the price of each product or services, different approaches are needed to manage platforms

Pursuing broader ecosystem profits over specific products and services may only be achieved with significant changes to managerial incentives and organizational culture.”
Por isso, muitas das plataformas existentes, acredito, são apenas a primeira versão, a transição da empresa para a plataforma pelo lado das empresas. No futuro, teremos as plataformas cooperativas.

Trechos retirados de "The Rise of the Platform Economy"

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