quarta-feira, abril 06, 2016

Quando o "mainstream" vem ter connosco (parte I)

Vivo aqueles dias em que o que escrevia aqui e era novidade, e era quasi-blasfémia para as mentes formatadas no Normalistão, está prestes a tornar-se mainstream. Pelo menos lá fora, por cá os cemitérios terão de recolher ainda muitos guardiões do eficientismo e da tríade encalhada no século XX.
Uma sensação estranha para quem gosta de ser contrarian.
"Nor is leadership performing in that other sense, the sense of being “a high performer.” And yet too often we look for leaders among the profit maximizers and goal attainers. But a leader’s fundamental role isn’t merely to perform the same tasks as yesterday, just more efficiently; it is to redefine the idea of performance entirely.
Leadership is in an uncertain place. We long desperately for better leaders. But perhaps it is precisely our longing that’s the problem. We’re waiting for a rescue at the cost of our own redemption. Because it’s easier to complain about the leaders we have than to try to do better. After all, it’s a pretty hard job."
Trechos retirados de "Are You a Leader, or Just Pretending to Be One?"

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