terça-feira, maio 10, 2016

Acerca dos "service ecosystems"

Em 2004 um desafio profissional num cliente levou-me a descobrir os ecossistemas da procura quando ainda eram um tema obscuro.
Quando ano depois descobri a service dominant logic foi amor à primeira vista. Todos os anos procuro apanhar o que se vai escrevendo e sinto que vamos todos esticando a nossa capacidade de desenvolver uma interpretação da realidade. Ainda me lembro de em 2011 escrever esta série "Não é armadilhar, é perceber os clientes dos clientes" para sublinhar que quando se trabalha ao nível do ecossistema a concentração no cliente não é necessariamente a perspectiva mais adequada.
"the division of actors into dichotomies such as ‘producers’ and ‘consumers,’  ‘paying’ and ‘non-paying’ customers, and ‘adopters’ and ‘non-adopters,’ is based on narrow, unidirectional, transactional, and dyadic views on value creation and delivery.
this perspective moves away from linear and sequential creation and flow perspectives of value toward the existence of more complex and dynamic exchange systems of actors (i.e. service ecosystems), in which value creation practices are guided by institutions (i.e. rules, norms, meanings, symbols, and similar aides to collaboration) and, more generally, institutional arrangements (i.e. interdependent sets of institutions).
define service ecosystems as relatively self-contained, self-adjusting systems of resource-integrating actors connected by shared institutional arrangements and mutual value creation through service exchange. According to the service ecosystems perspective, value co-creation resides in the intersections of all actors and resources that are integrated, including resources and actors that influence value co-creation indirectly. Thus, this view underlines the complex and dynamic nature of social systems, through which service is provided, resources are integrated, and value is co-created. It urges marketing scholars and practitioners to abandon the producer and consumer divide and to see all parties as resource-integrating actors with the common goal of co-creating value for themselves and others. Instead of ‘single-actor’ centricity, such as customer or company centricity, the service ecosystems perspective urges balanced centricity [Moi ici: Como não recordar "Não é armadilhar, é educar" e "Plataforma nos materiais de construção] and a more generic actor conceptualization.
The definition of service ecosystems also points to the dynamic and self-adjusting nature of these systems. ‘Each instance of resource integration, service provision, and value creation, changes the nature of the system to some degree and thus the context for the next iteration and determination of value creation’. Consequently, the dynamic and self-adjusting nature of ecosystems broadens and extends the concept of value-in-use to the notion of value-in-context. Value-in-context implies that value is not only always co-created, but also always contingent on the accessibility, evaluation, and integration of other resources and actors and thus contextually specific. Hence, value needs to be understood in the context of the social system in which it is created and evaluated."

Trechos retirados de "Extending actor participation in value creation: an institutional view" de Heiko Wieland, Kaisa Koskela-Huotari & Stephen L. Vargo, publicado por Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2015

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