quinta-feira, junho 23, 2016

“plans are worthless, but planning is everything”

Um excelente artigo, "Strategic Plans Are Less Important than Strategic Planning", a esta hora estou numa empresa a lançar o pontapé de saída de um conjunto de iniciativas estratégicas, alinhadas com o mapa da estratégia. Os dois últimos slides são:

Chegámos à fase em que a transformação deliberada da empresa vai começar, com o desenvolvimento e implementação das iniciativas estratégicas. Cada iniciativa é como uma aposta num cavalo. Demos o nosso melhor mas podemos ter apostado no cavalo errado. Além disso, à medida que exercitamos a estratégia transforma-nos e começamos a ver oportunidades que antes não existiam ou nos estavam vedadas. Por uma razão e/ou pela outra podemos ser obrigados a mudar ou a ajustar a estratégia e as iniciativas

Recordar o tweet do @miguelppires.
"Think of the plan as a guidance tool. The problem for many managers is that their expectations are all skewed from what can be realistically achieved via a strategic plan. Their image is more of the house-plan type or travel itinerary. They anticipate that by doing the necessary analysis and writing down how their business will succeed the world will be converted from uncertain to certain. In their eyes the strategic plan becomes a device for control rather than one of guidance.
Look for disagreements and toward the future. Even though your plan is liable to become immediately irrelevant, you still need to invest in writing it up.
wasn’t advocating not having a plan to start with but that the plan itself and the planners needed to be flexible because it generates preparedness.
Focus on the organization and key stakeholders, not individual actions. A plan can’t be “strategic” if it’s simply about action by individuals. While action is fundamental to implementation and success, there’s another level above that — the organization level.
Assume the plan is a work in progress. A strategic plan is not a set-and-forget instrument. It’s a living and breathing document that guides decision making and helps marshal resources. When managers talk about “giving up on strategic planning” I suggest that they haven’t thought through how to keep their plan fresh. The fact that circumstances are changing rapidly is a very good reason to visit their plan regularly."

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