terça-feira, junho 28, 2016

"The story about your business is more important than the facts about your business"

"The story about your business is more important than the facts about your business. Sound outrageous? Maybe, but the brain research proves it’s true. People relate to and remember stories— even people who make a living analyzing facts.
A POV [point of vue] tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end. It tells the world why this category and the company creating it are different. Different sticks. Different forces a choice between what was and what can be. A POV built around better is about comparing your offering to the thing customers already know. Better reinforces the power of the category king you’re trying to beat (who by definition is not you). If customers think two companies are tied in the better wars, they just choose the category king—or the lowest price if there’s no clear king. A great POV takes you outside the better wars and sets you in a different space all your own."
Recordar "Para reflexão"

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