quinta-feira, agosto 18, 2016

Não é o preço

Um artigo, "It’s Not the Price", a merecer reflexão:
"When prospects tell you the price is too high or you believe the sale has stalled because of price, consider these things.
1.Does the customer have the cash flow to pay for your product or service?  In other words, the price is not too high, the customer just can’t afford it.
2.Is there someone else making the decision, that you haven’t met, who doesn’t understand the value and told your contact to go back and negotiate the price? Don’t rely on your prospect to sell your solution to the decision maker.  You are the best person to do that. If you suspect that there is someone else involved in the decision making process, ask.  ...
3.Does the prospect understand the value they are receiving for the price? Maybe they need more education on how your solution is a fit for their need.
4.Is your prospect differentiating you from your competition? Maybe they are comparing you to a competitor who has a lower price and you haven’t differentiated yourself from that competitor in their mind.
Before you start negotiating your price, be sure you really have to.  If you have a fair price for what you offer, why would you lower it?"

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