domingo, dezembro 11, 2016

Para reflexão

"Was increased trade with China really pushing U.S. companies to become more innovative? For manufacturers, at least, they found that the answer was no. In fact, the relationship went in the opposite direction: U.S. manufacturers exposed to competition from Chinese imports became far less innovative."
Agora imaginem a frase aplicada às PME portuguesas em sectores tradicionais fortemente afectados pela entrada da China no mercado:
"Was increased trade with China really pushing Portuguese companies to become more innovative? For manufacturers, at least, they found that the answer was yes. In fact, the relationship went in that direction: Portuguese manufacturers exposed to competition from Chinese imports became far more innovative."
Um tipo lê as conclusões destes papers:
"The first takeaway from this paper is that more competition, from trade or otherwise, doesn’t necessarily lead to more innovation. While competition can force firms to innovate to fend off rivals, it can also cut profit margins, leaving companies with less to invest in research and development." 
E fica a pensar seriamente na experiência destes autores...  só devem estudar estatísticas, não devem sair das suas torres de marfim.

Voltando a Portugal, basta pensar no calçado ... lembram-se da empresa que deixou de conseguir vender sapatos a 20 euros e passou a vende-los a 230 euros?

Recordando a Austrália e a introdução de raposas para caçar os coelhos que tinham sido introduzidos anteriormente e eram uma praga sem predadores.

Trechos retirados de "Did Trade with China Make U.S. Manufacturing Less Innovative?"

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