sexta-feira, fevereiro 03, 2017

Acerca da Educação em Mongo

Ontem o @walternatez no Twitter remeteu-me para este artigo "Why Apprenticeships Are Taking Off".

Uma feliz coincidência com a leitura matinal de "Mass Customization and Personalization in Education and Training" e em linha com o que costumo escrever acerca do futuro da escola em Mongo. Voltaremos a modelos do século XIX onde os empregadores financiarão a formação dos seus trabalhadores porque a formação em massa do século XX será cada vez mais incapaz de motivar e preparar gente para um mundo cada vez mais heterogéneo.
"“ … we transformed education into mass production at around the time we invented mass production of industrial goods. Perhaps at the time, it was sufficient to learn the three “Rs” in order to lead a useful life, perhaps it was just the mass number of people that had to pass through the educational mill. In any  case, when we democratized learning, we lost something as well as gained quite a lot. … The problem is that we now require more than basics in order to function in society. The jobs are more intellectually challenging, and the terrain is shifting too rapidly. You won’t work in the same job for a lifetime almost no matter what you do. … We have the technologies to expedite individuality again. The real question is whether we can transform the teaching environment from factory work to tutoring. That is a complicated social and personal issue.”
In the new paradigm, learning should be individualized, localized, and globalized with aims to create unlimited opportunities for students’ life long learning and for development of their contextualized multiple intelligence (CMI). Student is the centre of education. [Moi ici: Aqui sorrio ao recordar a faculdade que mudou o plano de cursos em 2015 e continua a não dar programação em Android, que é o que o mercado procura avidamente, para não deixar professores sem fazer nada. Por isso, continua a ensinar linguagens ultrapassadas] Students’ learning should be facilitated to meet their needs and personal characteristics, and develop their potentials particularly CMI in an optimal way. Students can be self- motivated and self- learning with appropriate guidance and facilitation, and learning is a self-actualizing, discovering, experiencing, and reflecting process." 
Quanto à falta de sex-appeal destes cursos, basta que mais estórias reais sejam divulgadas (como esta).
"“There is a stigma with this in the United States,” Kobes says, “in part by past practices of taking poorer and minority kids out of school and making them go to vocational school.”
In Europe, apprenticeships are so widespread, they’re not seen as a lesser choice. In fact, the average age of someone entering an apprenticeship in Europe is 17, says Seleznow, compared with 28 in the United States."[Moi ici: Cá em Portugal é mais comum ouvir nos meios de comunicação social gente que está contra este modelo pois, supostamente, para eles o ideal é todos saírem da escola com o mesmo percurso escolar]

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