quarta-feira, fevereiro 22, 2017

Cães, gatos e estratégia

Ando a ler  "Dollarizing Differentiation Value: A Practical Guide for the Quantification and the Capture of Customer Value" de Stephan M. Liozu e enquanto não o acabar não compro mais nenhum livro. No entanto, já sei qual vai ser a minha próxima compra.

Reparem no título "If You're in a Dogfight, Become a Cat!: Strategies for Long-Term Growth". Já aqui confessei muitas vezes a minha fraqueza de cair facilmente num bom soundbite. O título agarrou-me logo porque intuí sobre qual era a sua mensagem.

E assim foi, bastou-me ler o Prefácio para concluir que a minha percepção estava correcta.

Por um lado, algo que vai ao encontro de quase um quarto de século como consultor e que os membros da tríade ainda não perceberam:
"While I have been a beneficiary of the insightful strategy thinking contributed by Michael Porter, Bruce Henderson, Clay Christensen, C. K. Prahalad, Paul Nunes, Youngme Moon, Rita McGrath and others that will be reviewed in this book, I have also come to appreciate that effective business strategy is inherently dynamic and context sensitive. No one universal framework or management prescription fits all business circumstances. What works well for one company may actually be quite harmful if applied by another company operating in a different market and competitive environment. And what works well for a company at a given point in time may be counterproductive after its business circumstances change."
Por outro, a abordagem à la David:
"The curious title of this book metaphorically captures the competitive challenge eventually faced by all businesses, as well as the management mindset required to overcome the odds against sustained profitable growth. Consider the mental image conjured up by a dogfight, where rival dogs (firms) scratch and claw for territorial dominance (market share), often battling with largely similar tactics (products and services). In business terms, such conditions generally refer to mature, commodifized markets characterized by slow growth, slim margins, and intense competition, making it difficult for any one firm to effectively break away from the pack. In dogfights, as in business, strong players may gain a temporary advantage, but the ongoing fight for dominance usually takes a heavy toll on all combatants, and the prospect for renewed battles remains a constant threat. Cats are a different breed of animal—clever, solitary hunters who are more inclined to explore new territory and to redefine the game on their own terms than to engage with the pack ht a no-win dogfight. Cats are agile and innovative, and seek their prey (customers) with tactics that dogs cannot easily replicate. Throughout this book, I will feature many firms that emulate cat-like behavior to break away from the pack, even in industries known for intense competition and unfavorable economics. Exemplars can be found in virtually every industry, from high tech (Apple) to low (Yellow Tail wine), selling either products (LittleMissMatched socks) or services (citizenM hotels). In business terms, these firms avoid competitive dogfights and break away from the pack by embracing the three strategic imperatives required to drive sustained profitable growth." 

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