sábado, fevereiro 10, 2018

"Giants invariably descend into suckiness" (parte IX)

Parte I, parte IIparte IIIparte IVparte Vparte VIparte VII e parte VIII.

Primeiro li "22 Retail Industry Predictions For Brick-And-Mortar Stores In 2018" e senti-me esmagado pela quantidade de informação e a diversidade de vias de actuação. Ainda esta semana animei uma sessão onde um grupo tentava calçar os sapatos dos seus clientes-lojistas e quase nada disto apareceu.

Depois, fui correr uns 6 km em cerca de 40 minutos. Tomei um duche e comecei a ler "Beyond process - How to get better, faster as “exceptions” become the rule":
"Over the past several decades, the business world has relentlessly pursued efficiency-driven business process reengineering, seeking to integrate, standardize, and automate tasks in ways that can reduce costs, increase speed, and deliver more predictable outcomes. As the landscape shifts, perhaps it’s time for organizations to expand their focus beyond business process reengineering to pursue business practice redesign, helping frontline workgroups to learn faster and accelerate performance improvement, especially in environments that are shaped by increasing uncertainty and unexpected events.
Organizations that don’t get on an exponential trajectory may fall behind and become increasingly marginalized as the world advances at a faster rate. It could be the difference between plodding along, working harder and harder to get equivalent improvements in performance, versus improving performance at a rate that mirrors the surrounding rate of change. Existing approaches to performance improvement are falling short, and companies are already feeling the effects of mounting performance pressures.
On the demand side, customers have more power and choice than ever before and are less willing to settle for the standardized products that long drove the success of large institutions.[Moi ici: Suckiness! Rings a bell?]  Platforms have expanded the range of available choices and made it easier to get information about them, and customers can express their feelings about companies globally and instantaneously. So can investors. At the same time, many customers are becoming more demanding, expecting different and more nuanced products and services that are tailored to their specific needs and preferences. [Moi ici: As tribos assimétricas de Taleb] On-demand services have further raised expectations for speed, convenience, and customization as basic requirements.
On the supply side, businesses face intensifying competition as new platforms, connectivity, and other advances reduce the barriers to entry in many sectors.
A challenge for large companies—or companies that aspire to be large—is that scalable effciency is often no longer effective. While the model yielded results in a relatively stable environment and may continue to improve productivity over time, it has created an environment that is often hostile to learning, where it is harder, and takes longer, to achieve higher levels of performance improvement."
Por todo o lado este reconhecimento de como Mongo é un-friendly para os gigantes e para os eficientistas.

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