quarta-feira, abril 11, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte I)

"Within the past few decades, there has been a broad shift from searching for sources of competitive advantage within a company, to investigating external sources of competitive advantage.
Arguing so, the C-D logic even goes further in positioning the customer in the center by shifting the focus from the company’s processes to the customer’s reality and history.
Broadly discussed and commonly accepted is the shift from value-in-exchange to value-in-use.
Value-in-use expresses the idea that value is created by using a product or service, rather than by producing the product or service, which constitutes one key assumption of the S-D logic.
This idea is advanced by value-in-context, which lays an emphasis on the role of “[...] other market-facing, public, and private resources [...]”. In line with this, a notable article emphasizes the customers’ embeddedness into a social context by applying social construction theories [Moi ici: Malta da ISO 9001:2015 estão a ver aqui alguma relação com a cláusula 4.2?]
The C-D logic recognizes this by emphasizing the highly dynamic and multi-contextual reality and life of the customer, implying a significant emphasis on the customer’s experiences and history, especially in service settings. As a result, the notion of value-in-life is proposed. Whether value-in-context or value-in-life is more appropriate is not yet commonly agreed upon."
Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113