sábado, abril 07, 2018

Mateus XI:25

"Naquele tempo, respondendo Jesus, disse: Graças te dou, ó Pai, Senhor do céu e da terra, que ocultaste estas coisas aos sábios e entendidos, e as revelaste aos pequeninos."

"History teaches that innovation does not come about by central planning. If it did, Silicon Valley would be nearer to Moscow than to San Francisco. Working on thousands of projects has taught us a simple but critical element that every team or company should come to expect: the unexpected.
Chance offers insights you didn’t anticipate. It’s a well-accepted truth that inventions and discoveries often result from random accidents or experiments that went awry."

É isto que falta à tríade.

Trecho retirado de "The Art of Innovation" de Tom Kelley

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