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domingo, março 04, 2018

A selectividade da atenção (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
"the world, as perceived, is maya— appearance or illusion. This means, in part, that people are blinded by their desires (as well as merely incapable of seeing things as they truly are). This is true, in a sense that transcends the metaphorical. Your eyes are tools. They are there to help you get what you want. The price you pay for that utility, that specific, focused direction, is blindness to everything else.
But all that ignored world presents a truly terrible problem when we’re in crisis, and nothing whatsoever is turning out the way we want it to. ... Happily, however, that problem contains within it the seeds of its own solution. Since you’ve ignored so much, there is plenty of possibility left where you have not yet looked."

Trechos retirados de "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" de Jordan Peterson

sexta-feira, março 02, 2018

A selectividade da atenção (parte II)

Há dias, na parte I, relacionei o gorila com a estratégia e com o que se mede num BSC, certamente influenciado por "you only see what you aim at".

Entretanto, ontem ao ler "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" de Jordan Peterson, encontro o original:
"What you aim at determines what you see.
we triage, when we see. Most of our vision is peripheral, and low resolution. We save the fovea for things of importance. We point our high-resolution capacities at the few specific things we are aiming at. And we let everything else— which is almost everything— fade, unnoticed, into the background.
That’s how you deal with the overwhelming complexity of the world: you ignore it, while you concentrate minutely on your private concerns. You see things that facilitate your movement forward, toward your desired goals. You detect obstacles, when they pop up in your path. You’re blind to everything else (and there’s a lot of everything else— so you’re very blind."

terça-feira, fevereiro 13, 2018

A selectividade da atenção

No âmbito de um projecto BSC comentava com alguém que era um bom passo o CEO da empresa deixar as instalações da fábrica e ir com a equipa Comercial e Marketing para outras instalações. Como o CEO é alguém da "ferrugem" no sentido em que criou a fábrica de raiz, trabalhou como engenheiro, conhece-a ao pormenor, facilmente vê a sua atenção capturada pelo dia-a-dia da fábrica quando a estratégia, não baseada no preço e assente em marcas, requer outro tipo de temas para ocupar a estreita largura de banda que nós humanos temos.

Depois de enviar um e-mail com esta opinião apareceu na minha mente este filme:

Quando nos concentramos numas coisas, as outras ficam invisíveis. Recordar "A importância do essencial"

sábado, dezembro 09, 2017

Atenção selectiva

Há tempos Tony Ulwick escreveu:
"A market, which is the target of everything a company does, should not be defined around something so unstable that it is only valid until the next product iteration. It should be defined around something that is stable for decades, making long-term strategic investments more attractive and providing the company with a vision for the future."
Mais recentemente voltou ao tema:
"A functional job-to-be-done is often a job that customers have been trying to accomplish for years, decades and in some cases even centuries. ... A functional job is stable over time. What changes over time are the products and services that companies offer to help get the job done better.
Because the job-to-be-done is stable over time, it is an attractive focal point around which to create customer value.
Making the job-to-be-done the unit of analysis means it is the job — not the product, the customer or customer demographics — that is to be studied, dissected and understood. This means that companies should not define customer needs around the product, but should instead define customer needs around getting the job done."
Ao ler "ARE EXOSKELETONS THE FUTURE OF PHYSICAL LABOR?" e "Thought-Controlled Prosthetic Hand Restores 100 Realistic Touch Sensations" penso logo em:

E penso nos Florêncios e as Antrais que vão estar tão concentrados no passado, a comprar conconcorrentes, a optimizar o poder iluminante das velas, que não vão perceber o quanto o seu mundo está a mudar. O job-to-be-done continua lá bem vivo, agora a ferramenta para o realizar vai ser modificada, trocada...