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terça-feira, novembro 20, 2018

O poder das emoções e dos sentimentos

A propósito de "The Genius of Our Lizard Brain" e de:
"The age-old distinction between the heart and the head is completely wrong.
Emotions and feelings [Moi ici: As emoções e sentimentos] are often regarded as evolutionary relics handed down to us from an ancestral “reptilian brain”—mere physiological responses that cloud our ability to think rationally. According to Damasio, however, we underestimate the importance of feelings in our lives—and for civilization itself."
E agora, relacionar este trecho:
"Organisms strive for pleasant feelings and emotions that promote well-being, rather than unpleasant ones, which can be detrimental to health. In other words, homeostatic mechanisms not only maintain order within single cells but also play the critical role of “life regulation,” tipping the balance toward positive feelings and emotions. And emotions, combined with creative intelligence, led to what we call culture: art, music, and poetry were developed because of their positive affect, and medicine emerged out of the need to alleviate pain and suffering."
Com este artigo "This researcher studied 400,000 knitters and discovered what turns a hobby into a business" e:
"She found that even on one of the Internet’s great niche social networks, offline encouragement and feedback helped most talented hobbyists recognize their ability and take the first steps toward monetizing it. Success on the Internet was propelled by real-life interactions.
To better understand what transforms pattern users into pattern sellers, Kim reviewed 99 interviews with knitters on a niche newsletter and three blogs. The most common answer, by far, was that they’d been encouraged by people they knew, such as husbands and friends. Many had already been modifying patterns and designing their own yarn gnomes and cat costumes, but until they heard from others, they lacked the confidence to step out on their own." 
Mongo e o fim do "Orange": talvez a maior mudança na minha visão do mundo desde os meus 20 anos - afinal a racionalidade não é tudo no mundo dos negócios.

Por fim, relacionar com:
"ESBZ is a grade 7-13 school in Berlin, Germany, that is extraordinary on many counts. Students self-manage their learning to a large degree. Teachers self-manage too (the school is structured in “mini-schools” of three classes and six teachers), and so do the parents who contribute three hours per month to the school in self-managing teams. Students and teachers credit one practice as particularly defining for the school’s extraordinary spirit of learning, collaboration, and maturity: the “praise” meeting (which is entirely prepared and run by students). Every Friday afternoon, the school’s big hall is packed with three hundred children, teachers, and administrators.
Every praise is essentially a miniature story that reveals something about two people— the storyteller and the person being praised or thanked—in their struggles and in their glories."

Trecho retirado de "Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the Conversation on Next-Stage Organizations" de Frederic Laloux

sábado, março 21, 2015

O parágrafo final é mortal para as empresas que ...

Há uma citação que uso já há algum tempo:
"Value it's a feeling, not a calculation"
"Emotions make the corporate world uncomfortable. The perception is that since emotions cannot be managed very well and are difficult to fit into pie charts or reports, they must be ignored. The efficiency-oriented operations we pride ourselves on are full of logic and predictability, so we tend to treat the customer accordingly. Financial managers have no clue as to how to factor emotions into their financial models. Thus emotions are treated as the type of irrational behavior from which we must shy away.
In reality, that thought process is fundamentally flawed. Businesses built on logic alone will be very expensive to operate. We actually want emotions in our relationships with customers. A purely logical customer will shop for the lowest price every time and will demonstrate no loyalty at all. The cost of doing business with customers will be high, because each time we will have to “acquire” them again through expensive incentives.
The problem with emotions, however, is that many of them occur in a nurturing environment. They demand mutual commitment in order to deliver commitment. In the long, uncomfortable affair companies have with emotions, they have tended to exploit the customer’s emotions but not to communicate their own."
O parágrafo final é mortal para as empresas que não fazem parte de uma tribo, para as empresas que julgam que o big data resolve tudo, para as empresas que não apostam na co-criação, para as empresas que não escolhem os seus clientes-alvo, para as empresas que não interagem.

Trechos retirados de "Passionate and profitable : why customer strategies fail and ten steps to do them right" de Lior Arussy.

quinta-feira, setembro 11, 2008

Para reflectir

Assim que soube deste acidente na passada segunda-feira e deste outro ontem, e deste outro à momentos, ao saber que tinham morrido pessoas, o meu primeiro pensamento foi para os eventuais filhos que ficam sem pai de forma brutal e inesperada.
Talvez falte a muita gente conhecer este filme e interiorizar a sua mensagem.

sábado, fevereiro 23, 2008

O poder das emoções

Agostinho da Silva costumava dizer que é o coração que faz mudar o mundo, não a razão.

“Kotter & Cohen começam o seu livro “The heart of change” com:
“The single most important message in this book is very simple. People change what they do less because they are given analysis that shifts their thinking than because they are shown a truth that influences their feelings.”
Mais acrescentam que o primeiro passo num projecto de mudança é: “those who are most successful at significant change begin their work by creating a sense of urgency among relevant people”

No livro que ando a ler, "Presentation Zen" de Garr Reynolds, encontrei esta passagem, acerca das apresentações, acerca dos formadores:
"People are emotional beings. It is not enough to take people through a laundry list of talking points and information on your slides - you must make them feel something."
"Images ... feel and have a more visceral and emotional connection to your idea."
"Humans make emotional connections with people, not abstractions."
Entretanto, o meu amigo Eduardo fez-me chegar à mão um filme impressionante.
Todos os dias morrem pessoas (pessoas que são, ou foram filho(a)s, pessoas que que são, ou foram pais ou mães, pessoas que vivem e sentem, pessoas ...) por causa de acidentes de segurança no trabalho.
Como se muda a situação?
Dando formação, por exemplo. Transmitindo regras, informação, dados... enfim, alimentação para o cérebro.
Tenham a paciência de apreciar esta sequência de três folhetins (o filme original é muito pesado para uma transmissão única) sobre segurança.
Directos ao coração!!!

Parte 1

Parte 2

Parte 3

Lembrei-me logo deste filme quando ouvi a notícia da jovem mãe que foi arrancada a cinco filhos, durante as cheias da passada segunda-feira em Lisboa. Cinco vidas mudadas para sempre! (Parte 2, tempo: 2min e 8 segundos... "São 18h30!")

Por fim, espero não estar a cometer nenhuma ilegalidade ao apresentar este filme. Se assim for, informem-me que retirarei o mais rápido que me for possível.

Filme completo aqui