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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta padrões de comportamento. Mostrar todas as mensagens

segunda-feira, outubro 15, 2018

Influenciar comportamentos

“Who the groups of similar actors are and how they interact with other groups who have different levels and sources of power.
 The real goals these groups have, be they explicit or implicit.
 Their resources, which are not only physical (such as money, equipment) but mental or moral (such as authority or the expectation of mutual support).
 Their constraints (time limits, other demands, limits to power and authority, including the ability to influence others, and problems they face in achieving their goals).
In order to influence the resulting behavior, managers can change the system either directly (by changing the actors, setting new goals, giving more resources, or removing some constraints) or indirectly (by, for example, changing reporting lines, processes, information, training, and so on),

Excerto de: Bungay, Stephen. “The Art of Action: Leadership that Closes the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results”. iBooks.

segunda-feira, dezembro 18, 2017

Sair da zona de conforto

Ou expandir a zona de conforto:
"On Feb. 5, 2014, London Underground workers went on a 48-hour strike, forcing the closings of several tube stops. The affected commuters had to find alternate routes.
When the strike ended, most people reverted to their old patterns. But roughly one in 20 stuck with the new route, shaving 6.7 minutes from what had been an average 32-minute commute.
The closings imposed by the strike forced experimentation with alternate routes, yielding valuable results. And if the strike had been longer, even more improvements would probably have been discovered.
Yet the fact that many people needed a strike to force them to experiment reveals the deep roots of a common reluctance to experiment."
Trecho retirado de "Why Trying New Things Is So Hard to Do"

sábado, janeiro 07, 2017

"It’s a human behavior one." (parte II)

Parte I.

E até que ponto fica claro, preto no branco, que comportamentos e porquê devem acontecer?

Uma estratégia ao ser executada traduz-se em:
Resultados que decorrem naturalmente de acções e de comportamentos.

Quem exibe esses comportamentos?

Quem actua além das máquinas e dos algoritmos?

Começamos por relacionar estratégia com processos e identificamos os processos críticos e os de contexto. Depois, identificamos as competências, comportamentos e resultados que as pessoas têm de ter, exibir ou gerar em cada um dos processos que contribuem para a execução da estratégia:
Formular uma estratégia. Perceber que processos são críticos para a sua execução. Perceber que funções em cada processo contribuem para a execução da estratégia e traduzir a estratégia nas actividades elementares e comportamentos evidenciados durante o processo. É preciso ser terra-a-terra e mostrar como se quer que a diferença se faça. Depois, as pessoas arranjarão a forma de chegar a Paris mas primeiro as pessoas têm de perceber que o objectivo é tomar Paris.

sexta-feira, janeiro 06, 2017

"It’s a human behavior one." (parte I)

"Which is precisely what he should be worrying about. However hard it is to devise a smart strategy, it’s ten times harder to get people to execute on that strategy. And a poorly executed strategy, no matter how clever, is worthless.
In other words, your organization’s biggest strategic challenge isn’t strategic thinking — it’s strategic acting.
while strategy development and communication are about knowing something, strategy execution is about doing something. And the gap between what you know and what you do is often huge. Add in the necessity of having everyone acting in alignment with each other, and it gets even huger.
The reason strategy execution is often glossed over by even the most astute strategy consultants is because primarily it’s not a strategy challenge. It’s a human behavior one."
E até que ponto fica claro, preto no branco, que comportamentos e porquê devem acontecer?

Onde isto nos vai levar.

Trechos retirados de "Execution Is a People Problem, Not a Strategy Problem"


segunda-feira, março 25, 2013

O que uma inocente alteração de comportamento pode gerar

Este artigo "Shoppers’ ‘Mobile Blinders’ Force Checkout-Aisle Changes" é sintomático das mudanças em curso.
O simples acesso a um smartphone reduz o consumo de pastilhas elásticas e de todas as revistas que se usam para queimar tempos mortos. Mais, todas aquelas compras que se faziam à boca da caixa de pagamento enquanto se esperava a vez, estão em queda, também por causa dos smartphones.
"For years, publishers could count on bored shoppers waiting in the checkout line to pick up a magazine, get engrossed in an article, and toss it into their cart alongside the milk and eggs. Then came “mobile blinders.”
These days, consumers are more likely to send a quick text and check their Facebook feed than to read a magazine or develop a momentary craving for the gum or candy on display.
The problem has worsened in the past 18 months, as more than half of all Americans now carry smartphones, Loughlin said. Single-copy sales of U.S. consumer magazines fell 8.2 percent in the second half of 2012 from the year-earlier period, according to the industry group Alliance for Audited Media.
Some products could leave stores altogether, said Nick Jones, executive vice president at the retail practice of Leo Burnett. Gum, for instance, may need to move from the checkout display to a vending machine at restaurants, he said."
Ou seja, o maior adversário de uma empresa pode não ser um concorrente directo, pode não ser a perda de poder de compra, pode simplesmente ser a alteração de um comportamento por parte dos clientes.

segunda-feira, fevereiro 28, 2011

O desafio da mudança

Actualmente ando a desenvolver um trabalho numa empresa que para produzir resultados vai ter de se traduzir em mudanças nos comportamentos diários dos operários.
É um desafio medonho:

  • como se muda uma cultura?  
  • como se introduzem novos hábitos?
  • como se ...
Impressionante mesmo é a prática corrente para resolver estes desafios. Conseguem adivinhar qual é?
Uma acção de formação com uns powerpoints!!! Andragogia? O que é isso?
Umas instruções de trabalho para operários!!! Um dossiê com 15 instruções de trabalho e cada uma com 17 a 25 páginas.
É uma verdadeira loucura.
Para reforçar estes mecanismos: auditorias internas!!!
Este artigo, na senda de "Switch", "“That’s the Way We (Used to) Do Things Around Here”" aborda alternativas que parecem fazer muito mais sentido:
"Step 1: Recognize the Need for Change
“Every organization wants to be in a groove,” says venture capitalist Jeff Stiefler. “But no one wants to be in a rut. The problem is when grooves become ruts. The key is to be able to recognize when you’re in a rut and then [figure out] how to get out of it.”
That’s the essence of this first step, which is particularly important for leaders of a change initiative. You cannot expect others to reflect on their behavior if you have not started to look dispassionately at yourself and to recognize where you need to change. After all, you are one of those responsible for painting a positive vision of the future, articulating the new possibilities in the collective mind, and calming the sense of upheaval. Your behavior therefore gives employees a highly charged impression of the changes you espouse, directly affecting many circuits of the brain." (Moi ici: O exemplo da gestão de topo é fundamental: qualquer subordinado é o melhor estudioso do comportamento do seu chefe)
"At a group level, the recognition step involves bringing a group of self-aware people together to talk about the possibilities for change, with the premise that the current approach — “the way we do things around here” — cannot continue." (Moi ici: BTW, nós por cá como país ainda não iniciamos este primeiro passo)
"Step 2: Relabel Your Reactions
By relabeling these thoughts, you can break the cycle of rumination, emphasizing that these thoughts are driven, not by some external factor, but by the patterns in the brain itself.
Relabeling means giving a new name to something, and though the idea of applying a mental label may seem simple, it has often been shown to have the power to calm emotions and engage the rational centers of the brain.
Step 3: Reflect on Your Expectations and Values
In this step, you set out the nature of the new conditions you believe you can create. You replace old expectations with a new image of the desired state you are trying to achieve. In management circles, this is known as a vision. But unlike some corporate vision exercises, the reflection in this step must result in something specific, tangible, and desirable enough to capture people’s attention.
“Our good leaders are those who focus on others, give undivided attention, and build trust. Leaders can either give energy to people or drain energy from people.”
In this reflection, the company uses the expectation of better conditions as an effective tool for reinforcing productive neural patterns.
suggest that effectively communicating that “things will feel better if we change” can produce a powerful range of assuaging reactions.
Step 4: Refocus Your Behavior
In this stage, you bring your habits in line with your goals. You identify the practices you need to follow and begin to set them in motion.
The refocusing step provides the most powerful change of the entire sequence: It has the greatest impact on the prefrontal cortex, where new behaviors must be processed and integrated into complex response patterns. When people focus repeatedly and bring this part of the brain into play, their new neuronal connections can become stabilized by attention density and the quantum Zeno effect; as a result, a more productive set of brain functions are put into play, and the potential for developing new action repertoires is established. This is often experienced as having one’s beliefs open up, and as becoming more capable and productive. When practiced regularly and consistently, the change rewires the basal ganglia and becomes a set of adaptive new habits.
Step 5: Respond with Repetition
It takes discipline to develop new habits; they feel difficult at first. Once again, if you are a leader, your behavior makes all the difference. Other people closely watch what you say, what you do, and where you pay attention. Of course, leading requires a high level of self-awareness, which is one reason the recognition step (step 1) is so important." (Moi ici: BTW, fazer o paralelismo para o país e para os gastos do Estado)

quinta-feira, junho 12, 2008

Em vez de resultados...

... em vez de happenings, em vez de resultados únicos, em vez do último valor.
Analisar, visualizar padrões de comportamento, enquadrados com informação que contextualize o que se vê.
Este gráfico do "The Wall Street Journal", incluído no artigo "Clinton's Road to Second Place", é um exemplo do que proponho.
Um gráfico que apresenta a evolução de um parâmetro ao longo do tempo, e a indicação temporal de acontecimentos que podem ajudar a contextualizar o que se vê.

domingo, maio 11, 2008

Um susto

Quando as organizações olham apenas para os números, olham apenas para tabelas de resultados, e esquecem-se de acompanhar a evolução temporal, não analisam os resultados inseridos num padrão de comportamento, é muito provável que volta e meia apanhem uns valentes sustos.

Quem me conhece sabe que defendo a máxima "Não há acasos". Não adianta chorar sobre leite derramado: parte I, parte II e sobretudo a parte III com a sua adenda final.
Enquanto só aplicarmos tratamentos sintomáticos, acções que atacam os sintomas, as manifestações de que um problema existe, estamos só a esconder o problema debaixo do tapete,sooner than later, as a Terminator, they will come and shout "I'm back!!!"
E depois, como Vestais surpreendidas e horrorizadas, vamos fingir que não estávamos à espera da volta.

Imagem inicial roubada e adaptada daqui (Agency: CALLEGARI BERVILLE GREY)